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Which of the Many Types of Cloud Computing Deployment Models Are Right for You?

Which of the Many Types of Cloud Computing Deployment Models Are Right for You?

Dynamix Solutions

Which of the Many Types of Cloud Computing Deployment Models Are Right for You?

Which of the Many Types of Cloud Computing Deployment Models Are Right for You?

Just two decades ago “the cloud” seemed like some strange concept, and no one really knew what it was. Fast forward to today, and business cloud adoption is nearly complete, with approximately 92% of Canadian businesses having adopted cloud services.

Companies rely on cloud service providers for everything from online accounting systems to their business phones and video conferencing. Without an infrastructure built with cloud technologies, many organizations would not have a chance of competing in today’s world.

One of the biggest recent drivers of cloud services has been the pandemic. It caused companies to adapt to having employees working remotely – some for the very first time. Without using the cloud, a lot of global businesses would not have been able to survive.

But deciding how to use the cloud isn’t a simple decision. There are several types of cloud computing deployment models. If you don’t choose the best one to fit your company’s needs, then you can end up with a cloud service environment that costs more than it should and that doesn’t serve your needs well.

Canadian business executives are learning just how important being optimized in the cloud is for their future revenue and growth. According to a cloud computing service study by CDW Canada, cloud adoption is going to define Canadian businesses and their ability to adapt.

Study findings included:

  • Canadian executives believe that nearly 50% of revenue will be generated by digital products, experiences, and services over the next five years.
  • 52% of Canadian organizations plan to invest in cloud-based infrastructure or already have.
  • The main reason Canadian businesses use the cloud is for cost savings. 52% of small businesses and 46% of mid-sized companies cite this reason.

So, where should you get started when choosing between the cloud services and set up for your business? It helps to start with the basics. 

Let’s go through the three main types of cloud deployments and what they are most suited to.

Public Cloud

The public cloud is the one that most people are familiar with. You sign up for a service and the entire underlying infrastructure is owned by the cloud service providers that you work with.

For example, if you have a Microsoft 365 business account, you don’t own any of the underlying cloud server or code architecture. It’s owned, hosted, and run by Microsoft. You simply pay a subscription fee for the ability to use the service.

Another version of public cloud service would be Amazon Web Services, you have a bit more flexibility in how you use the environment, however, you are still “renting” space on the cloud server that Amazon owns and runs.

The reason that these services are called “public” clouds is that your data could be stored on the same cloud server as other clients of the service. Of course, it is partitioned off, but you are still generally sharing one or more servers with others.

You have less control and more security risk with a public cloud deployment, however, the costs are generally the lowest of all the cloud models and it is usually the easiest and fastest to get going with.

Suitability for: 

  • Suitable for small businesses looking to keep costs low
  • Suitable when computing needs are predictable
  • Suitable when you aren’t handling a lot of sensitive or confidential data

Private Cloud

The private cloud is the closest to an on-premises environment. You have a dedicated server that is not shared with others. It’s hosted by the cloud service provider, in most cases, but is private to you.

Using a private cloud gives you the ability to set up your environment the way you like. Typically, organizations will use a private cloud server to host several of their cloud applications, including email, accounting software, and more. 

Companies have more control over their data when using a private cloud service, but there is typically more setup to be done. With control comes the responsibility to set up and have the environment properly administered. 

If a business handles highly sensitive information and has to adhere to strict data privacy regulations, then a private cloud setup will offer a higher level of protection and security than a public cloud.

Suitability for: 

  • Suitable for organizations that have an IT team or IT provider that can handle administration and setup.
  • Suitable for industries with highly sensitive data.
  • Suitable for large enterprise organizations with extensive technology needs.

Hybrid Cloud

The hybrid cloud model is a mix of both public and private clouds. It’s typically deployed by larger organizations looking to have the best of both worlds.

For sensitive computing operations and data, a private cloud server will be used. To save time and money for less sensitive application needs, a public cloud will also be used.

The hybrid deployment requires coordination between public and private cloud areas to ensure data is siloed accordingly and no services are duplicated accidentally.

A hybrid deployment offers the most flexibility for businesses because they have the control and security on one side, and the ease of use and cost savings on the other. 

But it does take more planning and a comprehensive structure needs to be laid out for each application, database, and type of data being used. Otherwise, an unintended crossover can happen between the two with data being less protected, or companies spending more than they need to.

Suitability for: 

  • Suitable for organizations with complex cloud computing service needs.
  • Suitable when working with multiple offices and locations that have varying security needs.
  • Suitable for highly regulated organizations that want to optimize costs where possible.

Get Help Planning Your Ideal Cloud Environment

Dynamix Solutions can help your Toronto or Calgary business make sense of cloud models and find the right one for your needs. We can also help you decipher PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS to ensure your computing needs are optimized and your data properly protected. 

Contact us today to schedule a consultation! Call Toll Free: 1 (855) 405-1087.

This post Which of the Many Types of Cloud Computing Deployment Models Are Right for You? first appeared on Dynamix Solutions and was written by James

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